Our Vision

The mission of Pillar Church of Woodlawn is to know Jesus and make him known. The way we seek to see that mission come to pass, our vision, is by following the pattern of Jesus to:


1) Gather

In Mark 1:17a Jesus gathers fishermen together by challenging them to “Follow me.”  We seek to gather together under the headship of Christ. (John 6:35, Heb. 10:24-25).

2) Grow

In Mark 1:17b Jesus tells his new followers that he “will make” them into something that they were not before.  The community of Jesus followers should be continually transformed by the work of the Scriptures and the Spirit (Rom. 12:1-2).

3) GO!

In Mark 1:17c Jesus tells his disciples that their transformation will lead them to “fish for people.”  Jesus’ community, the church, goes out into the world on God’s mission of multiplication of disciples (Acts 9:31).

At Pillar Woodlawn this pattern takes place in seasons:
Gather (September – December), Grow (January – May), and GO! (June – August).